
Facebook and Instagram will be pay-as-you-go, only in Europe. This is not an obligation but a possibility, because the discriminating factor is the advertisements: those who pay will not see any ads, those who want to keep the free version

With Cybersecurity Awareness Month taking place this October, we decided to speak to an expert on the many data protection careers and roles cropping up worldwide. Research from IAPP shows an estimated 500,000 organizations have registered data protection officers across Europe under the GDPR.

As you navigate through the digital landscape, have you ever felt subtly manipulated into making choices you wouldn't usually make? Welcome to the world of Dark Patterns, the seemingly innocuous yet deceptively persuasive tactics used by online platforms to influence

The European Union has approved a proposal that allows companies such as Facebook, Google and Apple to store the data of European users in the United States, again allowing data to flow across the Atlantic. In 2020, an EU court ruled

By David Shepardson and Philip Blenkinsop WASHINGTON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) -EU-U.S data privacy: President Joe Biden on Friday signed an executive order to implement a European Union-United States data transfer framework announced in March that adopts new American intelligence gathering privacy safeguards. The deal

In the heart of Athens, Hellenic Vibes is a brand new five-star hotel that combines smart technologies and modern comforts with ancient Greek culture. Located only a few steps from Monastiraki and Agia Irini Square, the Hellenic Vibes Smart Hotel empowers

During my time at Dublin Tech Summit, I had the chance to moderate a couple of panels. One of them was on "How to solve SaaS Complexity." One of the panelists was Jody Glidden, the CEO & Co-founder of Introhive, and he

Neeva: An ad-free search engine that doesn't sell personal data. But you pay "We believe that advertising-funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of consumers." These words baptized the birth of Google, the

Data protection, trust solutions, and strategic advice on European compliance guidelines In times of digital data processing, besides great advantages, there are also some dangers and risks, such as the possibility of easy changeability of data and fast electronic transport. If
