
In the past few days, I have been in Paris to follow Samsung Unpacked 2024, and I took the opportunity to observe how the city is preparing for the upcoming Olympics, scheduled from 26 July to 11 August. Along the

England Labour Party: The recent UK elections saw the Labour Party win a landslide victory, winning 405 out of the 650 seats available. This result is undeniably a historic moment for Labour, which wins after 14 years and thus comes

AI TV Series: Partly because of its ability to transform processes in various industries and partly because of the marketing that accompanies it, GenAI is now everywhere. Beyond IT and digital companies, the broad fields of art, entertainment, music, and

Thanks to advances in generative artificial intelligence, the latest smartphones can do almost anything. They help write an email or text, synthesize documents, translate into multiple languages, and transcribe audio. Some can edit photos, removing distracting elements and creating filler

Thanks to IBM's watsonx, Empoli Football Club will get ahead of the others in young talent For months now, generative artificial intelligence has been at the centre of the debate, and not just on the technological side, because of its ability

New technologies are used to create new applications, such as autonomous military means and to refine existing ones, such as ballistic missiles, which continue to develop rapidly. Artificial intelligence is the leading place today, and it seems destined to play

Musk's outrageous salary forces: Tesla shareholders voted in favour of Elon Musk's compensation package, which originally amounted to $56 billion. A monstrous figure that caused tension and complications inside and outside the company. The plan had been approved in 2018

Cloud monopoly: In early May, 620,000 members of the Australian pension fund UniSuper were left without access to their accounts for a week after a Google Cloud configuration error led to the deletion of the financial service provider's private cloud

Be careful what you put online because once something is on the Internet, it stays there forever. We were used to thinking before we put content on the net to avoid negative consequences in the future. In reality, however, not
