
Place of residence: Berlin, Germany Position: Data & AI Specialist Please describe a day in your life I like to start my day with some sunlight. I live near a great park in Berlin, Friedrichshain, so I like to take a walk there,

Place of residence: Xanthi, Greece Position: Environmental Engineering Student, Member of University's Robotics Team "Democritus Industrial Robotics" Please describe a day in your life During a typical day, I wake up at about 6.30, eat breakfast, and prepare for my lessons, which usually

Place of residence: Washington, D.C. Position: Satellite Communications Systems Engineer at NASA Headquarters What is it like to work at NASA? Working at NASA is both humbling and inspiring. I’m surrounded by incredible people who are doing meaningful work that impacts not just

Place of residence: Dublin, Ireland Position: Co-Founder Gripik E-Commerce LLP Please describe a day in your life I usually sleep early, around 9-10 p.m. Then I wake up between 6-7 a.m. Thereafter, I work on my prioritized tasks. After that, I study (I'm

Place of residence: New Zealand  Position: Senior Medical Officer,  Flight Doctor and Space Medicine Researcher. Please describe a day in your life Because of the nature of my profession, my days vary significantly. However, I maintain consistent routines for performance optimization: As soon as

Place of residence: Italy Position: Chief Marketing Officer at Stealth - Co-Founder Health Virtuoso Please describe a day in your life There are few certainties in my day. It consists of a mix of defined slots where I work and interface with the

Place of residence: India Position: Software Engineer 2 Airbnb Please describe a day in your life. I prefer waking up early and starting my day with some form of physical activity, whether it be yoga or going out for a run. This clears

Place of residence: Georgia Position: Freelance Consultant Please describe a day in your life Usually, it starts the previous night. Before sleeping, I start making my mental notes on the next day's plans. It refers to the weekends as well. This approach helps

Place of residence: Islamabad Pakistan Position: CEO Redmarker Systems Please describe a day in your life Meditation and swimming keep me stress-free while I work all day and sometimes late into the night. I divide my day according to meetings and work requirements,
