
Digitization:The European Union (EU) elections are a cornerstone of democratic governance, reflecting the collective will of over 447 million citizens across 27 member states. As the world rapidly transitions into the digital age, the importance of digitization in these elections

European elections: At the highest levels of European institutions, there’s potential for a change in the 2035 target to phase out sales of cars with internal combustion engines. Despite the automotive industry already making significant strides toward transitioning to electric

Forget absentee voting: in Estonia, it is just a click away. And they have been doing it for 18 years now. Other countries, such as Canada and Switzerland, have tried to introduce their versions of Internet voting with little success. For

The 2024 European elections (Eu elections) represent a crucial moment for the European Union and could have a significant impact on the role of startups. European election parties and candidates could propose specific policies to support startups. This could include the allocation of