
She is Mom: empowering women, building dreams, being successful

She is Mom Team
She is Mom Team

What is “She is Mom”?

“She is Mom” is more than just a platform; it’s a movement aimed at uplifting women, especially mothers, in all dimensions of their professional lives. Leveraging a holistic approach, we offer myriad services, including career development plans, mentorship programs, and niche-specific courses aimed at personal and professional growth.

Who are the team members – names, positions, nationalities?

Alexandra Badea, Founder & CEO, Romanian

Andreea Radu, Product Manager & Co-Founder, Romanian

Daniela Enache, Social Media Designer, Romanian

Where is the company based?

Our company is proudly headquartered in Bucharest, Romania. However, our digital-first approach enables us to operate across all European countries, making us accessible to women everywhere.

“Being a part of ‘She is Mom’ is like being a part of a revolutionary change, shaping a better future for women and moms in the workplace.”

Alexandra Badea, Founder & CEO

How did you come up with the idea?

The inception of “She is Mom” came from a critical observation: women, particularly mothers, encounter unique challenges and obstacles in the workforce. Our mission materialized from the desire to be more than just a stepping stone for women re-entering the job market. We aim to be a catapult that empowers them to ascend to unprecedented career heights.

What’s the main focus of the company?

While our overarching mission orbits around the empowering narrative of women, the specificity of our focus can be funnelled into three significant pillars: Education, Mentorship, and Career Development. We believe that education serves as the foundational bedrock, the launchpad that fuels all other avenues of advancement. Our educational modules are meticulously crafted, providing courses ranging from skill development to emotional intelligence, all designed to foster a multifaceted growth trajectory for women.

Next, Mentorship fills the crucial role of guidance and counselling. Our mentors are not just successful individuals but are relatable role models who have overcome similar challenges. We carefully match mentors and mentees to ensure an enriching, symbiotic relationship that yields tangible benefits for both parties.

Finally, Career Development is the crescendo of our offerings. Beyond just job placements, we invest in preparing women for leadership roles, entrepreneurial ventures, and opportunities that align with their personal goals and skill sets. These are not generic programs but bespoke plans tailored to meet each woman’s unique profile, career aspirations, and life circumstances.

The blend of these three pillars creates a robust ecosystem that nurtures growth, encourages innovation, and, most importantly, builds confidence. These programs are designed not as ‘one-size-fits-all’ solutions but as customizable offerings that can be adapted to meet the specific needs and aspirations of each individual woman who becomes a part of our community.

“Working at ‘She is Mom’ is not just a job, it’s a commitment to empowering women, and it’s incredibly fulfilling.”

Andreea Radu, Product Manager & Co-Founder

The company to whom is addressed?

Our services and platform are primarily targeted towards women, focusing sharply on mothers who aspire to transform their professional lives and overall well-being. Motherhood often introduces a dynamic shift in a woman’s life, bringing along distinct and multifaceted challenges. We address these specific issues with a plethora of solutions that range from reskilling to networking opportunities.

In addition, we serve a secondary but equally important audience: corporations and organizations. In an era where diversity, equity, and inclusion are more than just buzzwords, companies are looking for ways to diversify their workforce genuinely and sustainably. “She is Mom” is a strategic partner to help companies recruit a diverse talent pool and create an organizational culture that elevates and supports women in leadership roles.

We thus serve as a dual conduit, facilitating the growth of individual women on one end and fostering a more inclusive corporate landscape on the other. Our work fills a much-needed gap in the ecosystem, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits all stakeholders involved.

Give me three words to describe what it is like to work here.

Innovative, Empowering, Supportive. These words encapsulate our work environment; each day is a new opportunity to innovate, empower others, and provide the support needed to achieve collective goals.

What makes the team stand out?

Our team stands out not just because of the diverse skill sets we bring but also due to our unanimous passion for our cause. This combination of expertise and zeal enables us to create transformative experiences for our clients.

Do the members of the team work remotely or hybrid?

We have adopted a hybrid working model, blending the best of both worlds. This approach offers the flexibility of remote work while enabling in-person collaborations for projects requiring a more hands-on approach.

What were the challenges you faced?

Initially, we had to tackle the societal stereotypes stigmatizing working mothers, who are often seen as less committed or capable. A further challenge lies in the design and implementation of our programs. Creating custom, high-impact solutions that cater to a diverse range of needs requires significant research and adaptation.

“‘She is Mom’ has become a space where creativity meets purpose, making every day a rewarding experience.”

Daniela Enache, Social Media Designer

What events are you planning to attend in 2024?

Our calendar for 2024 is robust, featuring a variety of tech and women leadership events across Europe. We’re particularly excited about participating in the Women in Tech Summit and other events that align with our mission.

What are the company’s main goals for the next five years?

As we look to the future, we’re setting ambitious targets. We aim to expand our platform’s reach to other countries, roll out even more comprehensive educational and mentorship programs, and inspire over one million women to break through their personal and professional barriers.

Andriani has been working in Publishing Industry since 2010. She has worked in major Publishing Houses in UK and Greece, such as Cambridge University Press and ProQuest. She gained experience in different departments in Publishing, including editing, sales, marketing, research and book launch (event planning). She started as Social Media Manager in 4i magazine, but very quickly became the Editor in Chief. At the moment, she lives in Greece, where she is mentoring women with job and education matters; and she is the mother of 3 boys.