
Nitinol Revolution: from Mars to Main Street

Nitinol: Speaking of NASA, many envision galaxies, astronauts, and interstellar wonders. Yet, cycling? It’s the latest arena where NASA’s advanced tech is making waves.

Enter the METL tire— futuristic, airless, and eco-conscious. Forget scenes from a sci-fi novel; this is today’s cycling innovation. The Ohio-based Smart Tire Company‘s METL is not your ordinary rubber tire. It flaunts nitinol, a NASA-developed shape-memory alloy (SMA), offering a glimpse into the space age.

The Smart Tire Company integrates space technology with terrestrial cycling, delivering a tire resistant to flats. Its uniqueness is evident: a see-through exterior with nitinol coils. It possesses the elasticity of rubber combined with the durability of titanium.

NASA’s Wheeling Challenge

METL’s inception hails from NASA’s conundrum with standard metal extraterrestrial tires, which needed to be improved on rugged terrains. The remedy? Nitinol—a fusion of Nickel and Titanium, boasting a rubber-like superelasticity alongside the might of titanium. Spawned from 12 years and a whopping $10M+ in research, this technology that once graced Mars Exploration Rovers now embarks on a terrestrial journey with METL, aiming to revolutionize cycling.

Nitinol: A Story of Titanium

Nitinol’s creation traces to 1959 when Dr. William J. Buehler stumbled upon it, blending 55% nickel and 45% titanium. Its dual-way shape memory effect sets it apart. At colder temperatures, nitinol flexes effortlessly, shifting its molecular composition. However, on heating, it reverts to its original shape. Remarkably, it can endure massive strains, even 30 times greater than steel, without deforming. This made nitinol a perfect fit for NASA’s rover tires, which could brave icy temperatures, resist flats, and navigate obstacles seamlessly.

Nitinol’s versatility extends beyond tires, finding applications in F-14 fighter jet wings, malleable eyeglass frames, and medical stents. METL is set to be the first consumer-grade product utilizing nitinol, with promises of lifelong durability and immunity to flats.

Pioneering Sustainability

Beyond its tech marvel, METL also carries a green story. Awarded for Sustainability and Eco-design at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show, METL addresses a significant environmental concern. With billions of rubber tires discarded annually in the US and fine tire particles eclipsing exhaust emissions, METL’s eco-contributions are vital.

Interestingly, research indicates that tire wear particles are prolific, around 2,000 times more than exhaust particles, contaminating our air, water, and soil. Given the urgency, the EU has initiated tire labelling, accentuating fuel efficiency and advancing sustainable transportation.

METL in the Spotlight

The Smart Tire Company’s claim that METL is “The Holy Grail of Cycling” has caught attention. However, pioneering technology has its risks. With METL tires retailing at a lofty $500 a pair, primarily on Kickstarter, it’s in the luxury bracket.

Launching a product influenced by space tech in the cycling domain is bold. Yet, the overwhelming response from the cycling community is evident—the funding goal was thrice achieved within days.

Beyond Bicycles: Nitinol in Automobiles?

For Brian Yennie, Co-Founder of the Smart Tire Company, “METL signifies more than just a tire. It’s a leap into a future where celestial tech melds with earthly existence”. As the company delves deeper into the automobile sector, having partnered with Hyundai for smart tires, one ponders: might NASA’s nitinol soon be the gold standard in automotive tires? As cycling stands on the cusp of transformation, driven by NASA’s nitinol, the big question remains—will tire companies embrace this non-renewable, eco-friendly alternative for the planet’s betterment?

Gabriel Robert, a digital journalist passionate about innovation, start-ups, art and social media. With a keen eye for emerging trends and an insatiable curiosity, Gabriel brings a fresh perspective to the world of tech news and media. Whether exploring the latest advancements in AI and machine learning or uncovering the stories behind the world's most innovative textile start-up, Gabriel is always on the cutting edge of the industry. Follow along for a front-row seat to the latest developments in the ever-evolving tech landscape.