
AI: The helping hand against cyber threats

Unfortunately, as the world becomes increasingly digital, cybersecurity threats are becoming more sophisticated and frequent. Organizations are now choosing new approaches to help prevent cyber threats, such as turning towards new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) to help them fight back against cyber-attacks.

AI has proven to us all that it has the potential to revolutionize the way organizations approach cybersecurity by providing an advanced level of threat detection and prevention. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns indicative of cyber threats. This enables AI-powered security systems to detect and respond to threats in real time, preventing potential cyber-attacks from causing damage. With the ability to analyze and learn from past incidents, AI can also predict possible future threats and provide recommendations for preventing them. By using AI to predict and prevent cyber threats, organizations can significantly improve their security posture and reduce their risk of a costly cyber-attack.

Example of how AI can help against cyber threats

Darktrace, on March 2022, announced that one of its customers was able to successfully interrupt a Babuk ransomware attack with its AI-powered Autonomous Response technology, Antigena. The technology detected abnormal behaviour from a device within the company, which was performing network scanning and making unusual connections with other internal devices. The AI determined that this behaviour was out-of-the-ordinary and malicious. It autonomously contained the attack and blocked the infected device from making further connections while allowing normal business operations to continue.

Babuk ransomware is a sophisticated campaign that has actively targeted high-value organizations globally, with operators inflicting damage by encrypting files and crippling systems and threatening to leak sensitive data if ransom payment is not received. The attempted attack comes amid warnings from government agencies about a global rise in cyber threats, particularly those targeting critical infrastructure and organizations embedded in global supply chains.

Darktrace’s AI-powered approach enables machines to understand a business to defend it autonomously. Its technology uses self-learning AI to form a constantly evolving understanding of a company’s IT and operational technologies, allowing it to identify subtle, emerging signs of cyber threats in real time. This targeted response is possible because of the AI’s continually evolving understanding of what normal looks like at a granular level for each part of the company’s digital ecosystem.

usage of AI in cybersecurity landscapes
usage of AI in cybersecurity landscapes

Is AI one of the best tools against cyber threats?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing cybersecurity with its ability to identify and thwart cyber attacks in real time. By leveraging machine learning and computer vision capabilities, AI-powered cybersecurity can detect unsafe correspondence and surface anomalies, protect DNS data, identify advanced malware, and provide authenticity protection. One of the major advantages of AI in cybersecurity is its ability to fight spam and phishing. With deep learning, AI can detect emails with hidden content or messages with freshly created domains that would normally slip through the cracks in a manual process. Its dynamic analysis model is more thorough and identifies elements that human operators might miss.

Another benefit of AI in cybersecurity is its capability to surface anomalies. Since deep learning can track patterns in data and detect anomalies diligently without experiencing fatigue, it can identify suspicious patterns like email send frequency or insider threats. AI also protects DNS data, which is often allowed to pass through firewalls and is vulnerable to attackers. By analyzing trillions of DNS queries, machine learning AI can understand where bad actors hide and help companies better protect themselves against attacks. The technology evolves with each new set of data ingested, making it a formidable tool against cyber threats.

the future of cybersecurity with ai - credits to Wipro
the future of cybersecurity with ai – credits to Wipro

Malware is an actively growing threat to cybersecurity, but AI empowers company defence strategies to grow with it. Moreover, deep learning AI has enabled companies to optimize their malware protection strategies by increasing the quantity and accuracy of the data analyzed. With each malware sample passing through the model, the AI strengthens, and companies can stay ahead of evolving threats. Also, AI can provide authenticity protection, offering users an extra layer of protection when they authenticate their accounts. Popular features include facial or fingerprint recognition, which quickly supports safe access through the additional layer. By deploying AI as an extra layer of protection, companies can help their users feel safe and secure while accessing their accounts.

In conclusion, while AI-powered cybersecurity is not without its challenges, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. With the ever-increasing number and complexity of cyber threats, more than relying on human-led cybersecurity measures is required. Organizations must fight technology with technology and adopt AI-powered solutions to protect their valuable data and assets. By investing in AI-powered cybersecurity, businesses can save costs and resources and stay ahead of the curve in the ongoing battle against cybercrime. The future of cybersecurity is undoubtedly AI-powered, and organizations that embrace this technology will be better positioned to secure their digital landscape and thrive in the digital age.

Kristi Shehu is a Cyber Security Engineer (Application Security) and Cyber Journalist based in Albania. She lives and breathes technology, specializing in crafting content on cyber news and the latest security trends, all through the eyes of a cyber professional. Kristi is passionate about sharing her thoughts and opinions on the exciting world of cyber security, from breakthrough emerging technologies to dynamic startups across the globe.