
Meet the talent: Israel Garcia, CEO, CTO

Place of residence

Over the past two decades, my primary residence has been in Cambridge, UK. Despite this, while overseeing the various projects at Cambridge Experts, I dedicate a significant portion of my time to remote work, which often leads me to Warsaw, Poland, and Seville, Spain, allowing me to maintain close connections with family across borders.


Presently, I hold many roles, such as CEO, CTO, product manager, developer, sales, etc., as a founder of a technology-driven company dedicated to empowering businesses through innovative tech solutions and cutting-edge marketing strategies. I need to roll up my sleeves and do what is required at the time.

Please describe a day in your life.

My family means the world to me; they’re at the heart of my daily rhythm. To stay connected, I choose remote work when I can, syncing my schedule when they’re either asleep, at work, or in school. My main focus is on uncovering the next technological breakthroughs that will shape our future. I pass these insights to my team as roadmaps, driven by the quest to understand how these advancements can better our lives. I’m committed to capturing these discoveries in my publications to share their transformative potential.

How many projects are you currently working on? Please describe them.

I’m deeply involved in various ongoing projects at Cambridge Experts, ensuring direct participation to gain firsthand insights from both clients and our team. Recently, we successfully developed a digital healthcare solution for Johnson & Johnson. Currently, we’re gearing up for the re-launch of ISAFA’s online presence and organising an international publication in collaboration with prominent football associations. Additionally, I’m finishing up two business and tech books, which I hope to launch at the beginning of the next year.

Tell us a bit more about your company.

Cambridge Experts stands as a forefront technology company committed to transforming concepts into tangible, impactful realities. Our key offerings include:

Innovative Tech Solutions: From web development to AI applications, we craft innovative tech solutions that help businesses distinguish themselves in the digital landscape.

Tailored Expertise: Personalised tech expertise ensures not just meeting but exceeding client needs and visions.

Business Empowerment: We empower businesses to shine online, leveraging our expertise in web development, app creation, and specialised AI applications.

Turnkey Solutions: From ideation to execution, our turnkey solutions offer a seamless journey for our clients.

Cutting-Edge AI Integration: Specialising in commercial AI applications, we drive businesses forward by integrating lightweight but powerful AI solutions into their operations.

Israel Garcia
Israel Garcia

What are your future goals as a business owner?

My primary goal as a business owner is to enhance people’s lives—our clients, team members, their families, and all stakeholders we impact. I uphold a profound responsibility in decision-making, ensuring our technology positively influences lives. Profitability remains crucial as it enables us to nurture our team and their families while continuing to innovate and create meaningful change.

How do Cambridge Experts guide start-ups and large organisations like Google to maximise their potential?

Cambridge Experts supports start-ups and large organisations by providing tailored tech solutions. For start-ups, we offer comprehensive guidance from the ground up, encompassing tech infrastructure, application development, and digital marketing strategies. With established organisations like Google or Netflix, our role revolves around enhancing existing systems, optimising performance, and leveraging innovative tech, like AI, to elevate their operations.

In your opinion, who is the most influential person/company in the world of technology these days?

Pinpointing a singular influential figure or entity is quite challenging owing to its diversity. Yet, several companies and visionary personalities have left a deep mark on the technology world. For instance, Tesla, steered by the innovative mind of Elon Musk, has revolutionised the electric vehicle market, redefining automotive standards. Apple, under the leadership of Steve Jobs, has been the personification of innovation, consistently setting benchmarks in consumer electronics and software. Additionally, OpenAI, co-founded by Sam Altman, has been at the forefront of AI research, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and reimagining the potential of artificial intelligence. These entities have collectively reshaped consumer experiences, setting unparalleled industry benchmarks while constantly driving technological evolution. It is still early, but I think Sam Altman and OpenAI can grow to become two of the most influential people/companies of all time.

If you could pick one app/product/project existing now that you wish you were involved in, what would it be?

If I could choose one existing project to be involved in, it would undoubtedly be SpaceX’s mission towards interplanetary travel. The audacity and pioneering spirit behind this initiative, coupled with its profound potential to shape the future of humanity, greatly intrigue me. This project resonates deeply with my lifelong passion for pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation. Since childhood, the dream of exploring space and its boundless possibilities has fueled my fascination with space exploration and echoes the adventurous spirit of an aspiring astronaut.

Israel Garcia
Israel Garcia

What would you like the industry to look like in ten years?

In the next decade, I wish to see the tech industry prioritising ethical and responsible innovation. I imagine a world where AI, machine learning, and new technologies team up to improve life, support sustainability, and help society progress. AI has already done wonders by solving problems humans have struggled with for generations. It’s also unveiling fresh ideas we’ve never seen before. We need to focus on solving the most crucial issues first.

What are the three characteristics you have that make you successful in tech?

Three essential characteristics that have contributed to our current success in tech are adaptability, a desire for continuous learning, and an absolute commitment to integrity. These traits enable us to navigate evolving tech landscapes, stay updated with industry advancements, and maintain ethical principles in all struggles.

What is the most challenging thing you had to deal with during your career?

Among various challenges faced, navigating the rapid evolution of tech trends stands out. Remaining ahead of the curve while balancing market demands and client needs is an ongoing challenge requiring constant adaptation and innovation.

What is your most outstanding achievement up until today?

Building Cambridge Experts from scratch and watching it evolve into a tech-focused force transforming businesses and lives is my most significant achievement. It’s equally fulfilling to balance my roles as a father, partner, brother, and son within my family. Witnessing the team’s dedication and our clients’ triumphs reaffirms our commitment and vision.

What is your next goal?

Our upcoming focus at Cambridge Experts is further diversifying our AI applications, and exploring deeper integration into diverse sectors like healthcare, sustainability, and education. We aim to fortify AI solutions to catalyse positive change in these fields.

Which famous person would you like to have dinner with and why?

Elon Musk would be my top choice. His forward-thinking approach, transformative projects like SpaceX and Tesla, and vision for the future of humanity make him an incredibly intriguing personality to converse with.

Where would you like to travel next?

A few years ago, I embarked on a motorcycle journey across Europe and then again across several Asian countries. While I’d love to traverse South America next, I don’t feel it’s the perfect time for such an adventure. Instead, my upcoming travel goal is reaching Everest Base Camp. I’m already gearing up for this expedition, and if everything aligns, I hope to embark on this thrilling journey soon.

Do you have a person who influences or motivates you?

My parents have been my guiding force, instilling values of hard work, integrity, and resilience. Their unwavering support and guidance have been pivotal in shaping my career and personal ethos.

What did you dream of creating/inventing/doing as a child?

As a child, I found myself constantly tinkering with my mother’s kitchen appliances, coding with my brothers and repairing motorbikes and cars with friends in our neighbourhood. However, my childhood dream was to someday become an astronaut and gaze back at Earth from outer space. That’s why I moved to the UK—to enhance my English skills and finish my degree in Physics (still unfinished). However, life led me down a different path.

What is the most significant miss? (you thought it would never work, but it turned out to be a great success)

I must confess I initially doubted the potential success of Twitter due to its 140-character limit. I believed this constraint might hinder its adoption, but it surprisingly evolved into a platform that revolutionised how we communicate and share information globally.

What tips do you give people wanting to start their own business?

For aspiring entrepreneurs, my advice is straightforward: don’t hesitate; act on your ideas. While many ponder the idea of launching a business, and some discuss it at length, the few who take that crucial step forward truly make things happen. Remember, there’s support available; entities like Cambridge Experts are here to assist you every step of the way.

Andriani has been working in Publishing Industry since 2010. She has worked in major Publishing Houses in UK and Greece, such as Cambridge University Press and ProQuest. She gained experience in different departments in Publishing, including editing, sales, marketing, research and book launch (event planning). She started as Social Media Manager in 4i magazine, but very quickly became the Editor in Chief. At the moment, she lives in Greece, where she is mentoring women with job and education matters; and she is the mother of 3 boys.