
HexcelPack offers an eco-friendly alternative to plastic waste

HexcelPack develops eco-friendly, paper-based protective cushioning solutions to replace bubble wrap and other plastic or foam-based materials. It offers sustainable solutions made of PEFC paper that are suitable for nearly any packaging application where bubble wrap is commonly used.

The company offers packaging products from automatic dispensers for commercial use to small and portable wrapping systems or envelopes for home and office use.

As the company notes, HexcelWrap, its flagship product, is made of 100% PEFC Canadian paper and yields the same protection as a bubble but with little to no impact on the ocean’s environment or ecosystem. “Our slit-paper packaging is made from responsibly sourced materials, ensuring minimal impact on natural resources. Be a part of the solution for a greener future!” HexcelPack says.

According to Statista, humans produce more than 350 million metric tons of plastic waste annually. Without changes to current policies, global plastic waste generation is projected to triple by 2060 to a staggering one billion metric tons. The plastic spent on product packaging is a big, open wound for the environment. We can significantly reduce environmental pollution and adopt a greener lifestyle by looking for sustainable alternatives. HexcelPack, with its innovative products, provides an eco-friendly alternative to plastic pollution.

We discussed with David Goodrich, the mind behind HexcelPack, and he explained in detail how this innovative product offers an eco-friendly solution for nearly any packaging application.

David Goodrich
David Goodrich

How did the idea for HexcelPack come about?

Thirty years ago, I developed Geami. Nine years ago, when the patents expired, I enhanced the product. Technically, it is slit sheet technology used in metals and other industries making different shapes. I had originally tried to make a shape that could act as a cushion for wrapping, and Geoami (earth friend), as it originally was called, was born.

HexcelPack is an all-in-one solution for retail and industrial applications. Tell us a bit about your innovative and eco-friendly products.

HexcelPack is based on making different-sized hexagonal cells from paper based on the cushioning requirements desired. The same large cell is used for wrapping and void fill. The two smaller cells are for the mailer, Hexcel’ope, with the smallest used for the pallet wrap called HexcelStretch. From there, we provide different ways to dispense it for the retail or industrial market.

HexcelWrap and Hexafil outperform plastic alternatives for shipping, cushioning, speed, and sustainability. They also outperform their paper alternatives for cushioning. Both ship flat, which greatly reduces freight and warehousing costs.

Your company turns biodegradable paper into packaging to replace traditional bubble wrap. What are you trying to achieve through it?

Primarily, it is a cost-effective solution that doesn’t pollute the ocean. Paper is wood, and microbes eat it at the end of its recycling life, whether at a recycling centre, lake, or ocean.

You are making use of groundbreaking slit paper technology. Can you tell us more about it and technology’s role in your project?

We used a patented specialized paper we call Ultra-Stretch that allows for non-powered dispensers that make the product easy to train and intuitive to use. This paper opens 3-4 times more efficiently, making the powered dispensers obsolete.

We also use a proprietary hexagonal pattern that further improves cushioning.

The dispensers for retail and industrial use are also patented or patent-pending. For the HexcelWrap industrial dispenser, we use the paper tube that the wrap is wound onto as the wearing part. For Hexafil, we use aluminium or a corrugated insert for the wearing part. Both these applications last a lifetime.

It is estimated that only 9% of all plastic produced on the planet is recycled. Sustainability is today more relevant than ever. Based on your network of partners, do you see a shift in the business world to more sustainable solutions to deal with plastic pollution?

The answer is definitely yes. For it to work, the products have to perform. I’m proud to say that the slit paper technology for wrapping is the only plastic alternative.

HexcelPack offers an eco-friendly solution for nearly any packaging application. What are your plans for the immediate future? Are you planning to expand into other industries or launch new products?

We have three new products that have been developed and are going into production now that will offer more solutions for the industrial sector to replace plastic further. The September Las Vegas Pack Expo show will be the launch.

George Mavridis is a freelance journalist and writer based in Greece. His work primarily covers tech, innovation, social media, digital communication, and politics. He graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication. Also, he holds an MA in Media and Communication Studies from the Malmö University of Sweden and an MA in Digital Humanities from the Linnaeus University of Sweden.