
Hacking of Security Cameras Analyzed

CCTV defined

Closed circuit television is also called CCTV, with the initials derived from the English words Closed Circuit Television. They constitute an integrated system of surveillance and recording of the area, thus performing various functions, such as perimeter protection or monitoring specific individuals. If you, too, are thinking of installing a closed-circuit television in your home or business, these are the basics you need to know.

Wireless or wired CCTV: Security cameras are not connected to the monitor wired or wirelessly. In the first case, the main coaxial cables are similar to TV cables. In the second case, several surveillance cameras are installed, the specific frequencies of which are precise, to transmit the video to the monitor or DVR. Most cameras have a system of easy installation and transmission, even if walls and other obstacles interfere. At the same time, the connection with cables is considered more stable and suitable for new constructions that do not require maintenance.

DVR: The heart of closed-circuit television is the digital video recorder or, as it is called in English, the DVR (Digital Video Recorder). DVRs are of two types. Whether they are stand-alone devices or hard drives connected to a computer, in any case, DVRs display the recorded data from the surveillance cameras, convert the audio-visual data into digital data, store it, and can play it back whenever the user requests it. That is, they perform the same functions as traditional videos. They do all the above simultaneously, without additional devices and storage media, in the minimum time and space. Surveillance cameras can be set to capture images from the space either on a schedule or when they detect motion. Thus, the amount of digital data stored is small.

Security Cameras

Great Phenomena of hacking cameras

Finding out if a network camera or some other IP video surveillance system has been “hacked” is not an easy task, as many manufacturers’ many different surveillance products on the market present different types of vulnerabilities. But with more attention to some of their characteristics, one can detect an incident of electronic violation of a network camera in time. A related indication of a breach could be that the entire video surveillance system is operating or responding more slowly than usual. Also, in large corporate environments, an additional digital security system and, in particular, an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and network traffic analysis to detect breach incidents can provide clues that will lead to the early detection of digital attack events on one or more cameras.

The malware that attackers use to break into networks is designed to be undetectable. It is undoubtedly difficult for ordinary users to identify whether their video surveillance system has been hacked. But any change in the behaviour and stability of the system, it is true that it can indicate the existence of malware for a cyber-attack.

Due to several successful incidents of network camera breaches by online hacker attacks, they have seen the light of day recently. As a result, the issue of cybersecurity of physical security systems based on network infrastructure is now higher on the agenda of concerns in the global security systems industry and market.

Features and Characteristics for Protection Cameras

There are undoubtedly severe many system manufacturers now emphasizing protecting IP cameras from cyberattacks, incorporating security mechanisms even from the design level of a camera’s architecture. Manufacturers must now incorporate technical protection methods that will make the job of attackers difficult. This can be done by the cooperation of network camera manufacturers with providers of digital security solutions, integrating – from the stage of design and development to, of course, production – the appropriate tools in their products to strengthen the level of protection against existing but also future network threats.

However, some things that need checking to realize if our camera system has been compromised are increasing network traffic. If, according to the Server data, there is a sudden increase in network traffic originating from the security cameras, then it is very likely that a botnet has infiltrated. A thorough examination by experts is required. The password – If it is not working correctly, it can be a strong indication that a camera or other network device has been attacked. Modifying device settings – If, for example, video files are sent to a different server than the one pre-set, then this indicates a breach.