
Telegram: Is it safe to use?

In today’s digital age, privacy and security have become paramount concerns for individuals and organizations alike. While instant messaging apps provide us with convenient means of communication, it is crucial to assess their safety before entrusting them with our personal information. Telegram, a popular messaging platform with over 200 million users, has gained traction for its encryption features and user-friendly interface. However, recent incidents have shed light on the vulnerabilities that make Telegram less safe regarding user privacy.

Concerns about privacy and security on Telegram

Privacy and security are two major concerns when it comes to using any messaging app, and Telegram is no exception. While Telegram boasts end-to-end encryption, which is designed to keep messages secure, there are still concerns about the overall safety of the platform. One of the main concerns is the lack of control and accountability within Telegram groups. Unlike other messaging apps, Telegram allows for groups with thousands of members, making it difficult for administrators to monitor and control shared content. This lack of control opens the door for illegal activities to take place within these groups, putting users’ privacy and security at risk.

Another concern is the anonymity that Telegram offers its users. While anonymity can be valuable in certain situations, it also provides a disguise for those engaging in illegal activities. This anonymity makes it harder for law enforcement agencies to track down and hold individuals accountable for their actions. As a result, Telegram becomes a breeding ground for illegal activities such as sharing explicit content, cyberbullying, and even coordinating criminal activities. These activities not only invade users’ privacy but also pose a threat to their safety.

Screenshot of Telegrams Channels used by cybercriminals to sell data- Source Hitachi Systems Security

Illegal activities on Telegram groups

Telegram groups have gained notoriety for being hubs of illegal activities. From sharing explicit content to coordinating criminal activities, these groups have become a platform for individuals to engage in illegal actions while hiding behind Telegram’s anonymity. For example, there have been cases where child exploitation materials have been shared within Telegram groups, leading to the exploitation and harm of innocent individuals. Additionally, terrorist organizations have been known to use Telegram as a means of communication and recruitment. These activities not only violate users’ privacy but also pose a threat to national security.

There have been several instances where unsuspecting users have fallen victim to the illegal actions taking place on Telegram. One such scenario is the case of cyberbullying. With the anonymity that it provides, individuals can easily harass and intimidate others without fear of being identified. This has led to severe emotional distress and even tragic outcomes for some victims. Furthermore, sharing explicit content within Telegram groups has resulted in the non-consensual distribution of personal and private materials, causing immense harm to individuals’ reputations and privacy.

In another scenario, the coordination of criminal activities on this app has allowed criminals to evade law enforcement and carry out illegal actions. From drug to human trafficking, Telegram has become a tool for criminals to communicate and plan their activities without fear of being caught. This poses a significant risk to public safety. It highlights the need for stricter regulations and accountability within messaging apps like Telegram.

Screenshot of Telegrams Channels used by cybercriminals to sell data – Source Hitachi Systems Security

Telegram’s response to privacy and security concerns

In response to privacy and security concerns, Telegram has tried to enhance its safety measures. The platform has introduced features such as two-step verification, self-destructing messages, and reporting and blocking users. While these measures are a step in the right direction, more is needed to fully address the risks associated with using Telegram.

Telegram’s encryption feature has also been a point of contention. While end-to-end encryption is designed to protect users’ messages, it can also provide a safe haven for illegal activities. This has led to debates about privacy and security, with critics arguing that the encryption may be too strong, allowing criminals to operate with impunity.

Government regulations and actions against Telegram

Governments worldwide have taken notice of the potential risks associated with Telegram and have started to take action. Some countries have banned or restricted access to Telegram due to concerns about its use for illegal activities and the inability to monitor and control its content effectively. These actions aim to protect users and maintain public safety. However, the effectiveness of such regulations is still a topic of debate, as individuals can often find ways to bypass restrictions and continue using it.

In conclusion, while Telegram offers encryption features, recent incidents have highlighted the vulnerabilities that make it less safe regarding user privacy. The lack of control and accountability within Telegram groups allows illegal activities to thrive, putting users at risk. Individuals need to make informed decisions about their messaging apps, considering the privacy and security implications. Exploring alternative options like Signal or Wickr can provide a safer environment for communication, ensuring that personal information remains private and secure.

Kristi Shehu is a Cyber Security Engineer (Application Security) and Cyber Journalist based in Albania. She lives and breathes technology, specializing in crafting content on cyber news and the latest security trends, all through the eyes of a cyber professional. Kristi is passionate about sharing her thoughts and opinions on the exciting world of cyber security, from breakthrough emerging technologies to dynamic startups across the globe.