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TikTok, the short-form video-sharing app, has become one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, boasting over a billion active users. With its unique algorithmic feed and emphasis on…

Proximity medicine: The metaverse is a technological dimension that, contrary to popular belief, will transcend the world of games and entertainment, generating profound transformations in the healthcare sector as well.…

IMPACT FESTIVAL offers start-ups, investors and companies a platform for networking and exchange The IMPACT FESTIVAL, Europe’s largest B2B event for sustainable transformation, opens its doors again in 2023. The…

Aidan Finn, co-founder and CEO of Binarii Labs explains how the start-up works. As blockchain technology expands into more and more industries, the need to establish a secure environment for…

The first company 4i-Magazine visited for this new article series is Trigger01, based in Stuttgart, Germany. Trigger01 is located a few kilometers southwest of the city centre. The company offers marketing…