
Interview with Ha1kwang, AI Content Creator on YouTube

Can you give us a brief introduction about yourself?

I’m Choi Ho-jin, a copywriter from Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. I also go by my YouTube handle, Ha1kwang (pronounced “Hah-Il-Kwang”), which is short for “an ordinary man creating a commercial film in a day” in Korean.

Please describe a day in your life

Currently, I work as a freelancer, so my typical workday begins with checking emails and planning my schedule. I prioritise tasks before diving into them. Throughout most of the day, I focus on brainstorming ideas for advertising projects at my office. If I am struggling to come up with creative concepts, I take a break and go for a walk with my dog to clear my mind.

How did you begin your YouTube career?

As a full-time professional in the advertising industry, specialising in filming and producing videos, I naturally developed an interest in creating video content. After learning to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools, I decided to start my own YouTube channel with the goal of producing content independently from scratch. It has been incredibly fulfilling to create videos according to my vision, especially given my background as a copywriter. With the rise of the alter-ego trend in South Korea—where people pursue side projects separate from their main careers—I saw this as an opportunity to explore something different and unique on YouTube.

What type of content are you making on YouTube?

I either re-create existing commercial films in my own style or produce short videos with the assistance of AI.

Have you always been interested in AI? What was your childhood dream?

I have always been interested in learning new skills and creating things with my own hands. While I had many dreams as a child, the career I most longed for was that of an advertisement designer—someone who can convey a powerful message to viewers in just 15 to 30 seconds.

A profile image of Ha1kwang
A profile image of Ha1kwang

What was the first AI tool you came across, and did you have any difficulties learning it?

The first tool I learned to use was the image generation tool Midjourney. The most challenging aspect for me was understanding how writing prompts work to get the desired results. Since I was new to AI tools, crafting text prompts rather than simply searching for images manually felt quite complex.

We’d love to learn more about your most viral and successful YouTube project: “What if I told Korean independence activists that the country had been liberated?” Can you explain what it’s about?

The project originated from the concept of imagining how Korean independence activists (who never lived to see their country’s liberation from Japanese rule) would have reacted to the long-awaited news of their country’s freedom.

Where did you get the inspiration from?

I frequently find inspiration in still images, taking on diversifying imaginations stemming from them. In historical photos of independence activists, they often appear stoic and expressionless. This made me wonder if, upon learning of their country’s liberation, they might have instead expressed their joy with bright smiles and cheers. I decided to bring this vision to life in my video, hoping that showcasing their radiant happiness would positively impact our generation.

Which tool did you use, and how long did it take for you to make that video?

I created the images using Midjourney and produced the video with AI-powered tools such as Gen3 and LUMA. The entire process, from brainstorming to publication, took me about a week to complete.

You received significant attention from the media and the public in South Korea. What was the most memorable comment you heard in response?

I was genuinely surprised and grateful for my video’s positive attention, especially since I put a lot of thought into the project. One comment that particularly stood out was from someone who noted that my content demonstrates how AI can positively impact society, unlike other AI-generated works that are often primarily made to seek attention. They praised it as a commendable use of technology, which made a lasting impression on me. I agree that this is the direction that AI should be moving towards.

Meet the Talent: Ha1kwang, AI Content Creator on YouTube
The thumbnail of Ha1kwang’s latest project “What if I told Korean independence activists that the country had been liberated?”

What’s your next goal as an AI content creator on YouTube?

I want to delve further into the imaginative possibilities that stem from still images. There are countless ways to explore these imaginations, ranging from heartfelt and touching to entertaining. My goal is to become a creator who can share meaningful and emotional moments with others, leveraging the power of AI to bring these visions to life.

In your opinion, what is the role of AI?

In my view, AI is a valuable colleague that supports and enhances human work.

What direction do you think AI will develop in the future?

AI will be integrated into every aspect of our lives, extending beyond robots and application programmes. It will evolve from being seen as a “foreign” concept to an “imperative” tool essential for our daily lives.

Who do you think is currently the tech industry’s most influential company or individual?

I believe Nvidia is a company that truly represents this generation. Its founder and CEO, Jensen Huang, is the most influential individual.

If you can go back in time and say something to your younger self. What would you say?

One piece of advice could be to pay more attention to tech companies and consider investing in them. More importantly, I would encourage him to be more confident when starting something new. I’d say, “Just go for it and don’t worry about what others might say. Remember, no one thinks you’re weird.”

If you could have a meet-up with someone famous, who would it be?

I would love to meet the renowned Korean biologist and esteemed academic Prof. Choe Jae-cheon. Since AI is not a living entity but a tool controlled by humans, and Prof. Choe has a broad perspective on life, I would like to discuss the current state of AI and its most beneficial applications for us.

Do you have a role model?

My father, who is studying AI alongside me, has had the biggest impact on my life. Despite nearing 70 years old, he explores AI audio tools and writes songs inspired by others’ stories, using music to bring joy to people. I deeply admire his boundless curiosity and fearless approach to life.

What would you like to say to those who are considering pursuing careers in the tech industry?

While technical skills are important, AI can make a greater impact when it touches people’s hearts or changes their minds. I hope people will explore the potential of AI creatively, but always with good intentions, ensuring that it does no harm or cause any hurt to others.

Sunny Um is a Seoul-based journalist working with 4i Magazine. She writes and talks about policies, business updates, and social issues around the Korean tech industry. She is best known for in-depth explanations of local issues for readers who need a better understanding of the Korean context. Sunny’s works appeared in prominent Korean news outlets, such as the Korea Times and Wired Korea. She currently makes regular writing contributions to newsrooms worldwide, such as Maritime Fairtrade, a non-profit media organization based in Singapore. She also works as a content strategist at 1021 Creative. A person who holds a Master’s degree in Political Economy from King’s College London, she loves to follow up on news of Korean politics and economy when she’s not writing.