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Everything we do is interconnected with the online world, from social media to online banking, digital profiles, public sites and accounts. Today’s internet is a whole of our details, and…

Smartwatches: On one side are the romantics of the traditional Watch, and on the other are the hi-tech enthusiasts, convinced that putting an internet-connected watch face on their wrist is…

As a cybersecurity professional, I cannot stress enough the importance of staying ahead of cyber threats in today’s digital landscape. With the ever-evolving nature of malware, individuals and businesses must…

Best devices 2023: There is no doubt that 2023 was the year of artificial intelligence, with particular success for generative AI, which has become a massive new frontier thanks to the rapid…

With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time to immerse yourself in the holiday spirit with a delightful array of festive apps on your phone or tablet. Explore engaging Christmas-themed games that…