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Space influencers: In the vast expanse of the digital universe, a new breed of influencers has emerged, captivating audiences with their cosmic content and interstellar insights. From astronomy enthusiasts to space exploration advocates,…

NASA astronauts accidentally dropped their toolbox during a walk around the International Space Station, and the drifting equipment may be observable from Earth. The astronauts Jasmine Mogbeli and Loral O’Hara spent six…

Females into space: Perhaps the narrative, one small step for man, needs a revamp as increasing numbers of women embark on out-of-this-world journeys into space. There are many reasons for…

Delaware-based firm GuardianSat received the National Science Foundation’s America’s Seed Fund grant for its satellite technology that could help us humans safeguard space exploration and communication. On October 12, the business reported this promising news, marking a…