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Cryptocurrencies have made it possible to trade all sorts of things in a virtual universe. Ever since the invention and creation of Blockchain to support the Cryptocurrency Bitcoin, its industry…

With a surge in demand for online clothes shopping over the past two years, fashion consumers have become accustomed to buying before trying. Before now, this had proven dangerous for…

Instead of photos and friends’ content, videos and algorithms transform from a relationship social to a performance platform. Instagram is changing its look by favoring viral content produced by strangers…

The 5th generation of mobile network standard, or the 5G, has been widely deployed around many countries since its introduction a few years ago. The reasons behind the increased deployments…

Age: 33 years Place of residence: Giessen near Frankfurt am Main in Germany, the region is called Mittelhessen, maybe only a few people know the region, but it is a perfect place…

Last week saw some of the 4i-mag team attending the Dublin Tech Summit in Ireland. The first time the event was held in person since the pandemic, and it proved…