
The development of 5G is also an environmental issue

5G environmental issue: 5G is the next generation of cellular technology, offering faster, low-latency connections for more efficient and innovative communications. But what are the scenarios for the environmental sustainability of 5G? What are this new technology’s possible positive and negative effects on the environment?

Positive effects of 5G on the Environment

According to several experts, 5G can have several positive effects on the environment due to its ability to increase energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enable greater use of renewable energy. Some of the possible benefits of 5G on the environment are these. 5G requires less energy than 4G to transmit the same amount of data. For example, with 4G, one kilowatt-hour of electricity is consumed to download 300 high-definition films. In contrast, with 5G, up to 5,000 ultra-high-definition films can be downloaded with the same amount of energy.

5G makes it possible to optimize the energy consumption of connected devices, thanks to IoT (Internet of Things) technology, which allows devices to be automatically switched on and off as needed, reducing energy waste. 5G fosters the development of smart cities, which, thanks to network-connected sensors and cameras, can more efficiently and sustainably manage urban services such as traffic, lighting, waste collection, security, and air quality. 5G facilitates smart working and remote entertainment, reducing travel and commuting and lowering transport emissions. 5G enables new applications in various sectors, such as healthcare, agriculture, commerce, transport, and manufacturing, which can help reduce water and food waste, monitor the state of the environment, and promote renewable energy.

5G environmental issue
5G environmental issue

Negative effects of 5G on the Environment

Despite the potential benefits of 5G on the environment, there are also some possible negative effects to consider related to the increase in infrastructure and electronic devices needed to support this new technology. First, 5G requires the installation of many small antennas (microcells) to cover the new (millimetre) frequency bands, which have a limited range. This entails a visual and landscape impact on the territory and increased energy consumption for their operation. 5G stimulates the demand for new devices compatible with this technology, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, sensors, and other connected objects.

This implies an increased production of electronic waste (e-waste), which contains toxic substances harmful to the environment and human health. 5G generates more exposure to electromagnetic radiation by the population and the environment. Although there is still no conclusive scientific evidence on the harmful effects of 5G radiation on human and animal health, some studies have raised doubts and concerns.

In conclusion, 5G is a technology that offers great opportunities for innovation and economic and social development but also presents challenges for environmental sustainability. To minimize the negative impacts of 5G on the environment, precautionary and compensatory measures need to be taken. For example, regulating the installation of 5G antennas according to environmental and aesthetic criteria and promoting the recycling and reuse of obsolete or damaged electronic devices. The effects of 5G radiation on human and animal health should also be continuously monitored, and the greenhouse gas emissions generated by 5G should be offset by carbon-reducing initiatives. Those in the industry still consider all these issues as 5G is not a reality, despite being talked about for several years.

Antonino Caffo has been involved in journalism, particularly technology, for fifteen years. He is interested in topics related to the world of IT security but also consumer electronics. Antonino writes for the most important Italian generalist and trade publications. You can see him, sometimes, on television explaining how technology works, which is not as trivial for everyone as it seems.